fredag 23 januari 2009

Shop 'til you drop. Then get up and shop some more.

It's friday! Yay!
It doesn't make all that much difference, but weekends are always welcome when they decide to show up.

Today I went to Nakano, having recieved a tip from Eric that there lies a goldmine of manga and its related merchandise. Now, I'm only moderately interested in anime, and I've only read a few manga translated into English. I'm not very into the whole thing. But…

Holy crap.

There was literally a dozen stores, all crammed full of every type of manga I could think of (and many more, of course) along with thousands of plastic figures, ranging between 100-yen robots to 50,000-yen Doraemon statues and the like. 
It was awesome. They also had tons of vintage manga, like original issues of Astro Boy, and animation cells from, amongst others, a few Miyazaki-films. I wanted those real bad, but I don't think I have 125,000 yen to spend on that just now.

Yesterday the Oscar-nominations were announced, and the world stood still (yeah). I was pretty annoyed when I realized that I haven't seen any of the nominees for Best Picture. I'll have to do something about that.

This week I'm listening mostly to the new Architects album, Michael Jackson's Off The Wall, and Blonde Redhead's 23.
Next week, who knows? The fun never stops.

Pictures, because you know you want to:

Early spring in Setagaya-ku

Cool toys in Nakano

Cells from Miyazaki-films

I bought stuff today! A shirt and a pair of purple socks